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4th Supply List

We welcome any and all donations on behalf of our students. The items on this list will be used during the regular school day for instructional and non-instructional purposes. They may be brought from home on a voluntary donation basis; otherwise, they will be furnished by the school.

**Hooper Elementary will provide basic supplies such as: pencils, crayons and glue.

Cash donations are also accepted to help fund field trips, other educational activities or to purchase instructional resources for our students. Cash donations in any amount under $250 may be accepted at the school office. Donations over $250 need to go through the Weber School foundation indicating Hooper Elementary as the benefiting school.

Instructional Purposes:

  1. A soft pencil box or pouch that zips up (no hard boxes please)
  2. A box of colored pencils
  3. 4 2-pocket foldersĀ 
  4. 2 small EXPO dry erase markers and an eraser in a baggie (Not Hollis)
  5. 1 100-page composition notebook
  6. Pencil top erasers
  7. Scissors
  8. Earbuds
  9. 2 reams of copy paper

Non-Instructional purposes:

  1. A box of tissues
  2. A roll of paper towels
  3. A container of disinfecting wipes
  4. A box of Band-Aides