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November 2019 Community Council Minutes

Hooper Elementary Community Council meeting minutes

Thursday, November 7, 2019 1:30 a.m.

Hooper Elementary Conference Room


In attendance:

Kari Breeding, Cindy Pendleton, Kadee Frew, Heather Cragun, Paul Widdison, Shanae Headley, Stacy Adams

Excused: Ashley Droscher and Cyndi Bennett

Welcome:  Given by Kari Breeding.  Thank you to everyone for attending.  Welcome to the two new members of the council – Jennifer Flint and Cassie Brown. 

Minute Approval: Given by Shanae Headley.  Meeting minutes from the October 3rd meeting were read and posted to the Hooper Elementary Website.  No corrections were made.  The minutes will be approved as written. 


Budget Report: Given by Mrs. Breeding.  More funding was available than originally anticipated.

  • Trust Land funds beginning balance is $76,942.95. Spent $12,054.75.  The remaining balance is $64,888.20.    
  • Aide salaries began to be deducted in October. It is typically $6,000 a month.   
  • Funding through TSSA has been used for workshops, PLC conference, and chrome books. So thankful for this additional funding. 
  • TSSA beginning balance was $68,991.73. Spent $28,543.89.  The remaining balance is $39,282.68.  All money has been earmarked. 
  • There should be a little rollover for next year, but funds should be spent on current year students.


School Safety Plan:  Given by Mrs. Breeding.  UDOT has been contacted concerning the crosswalk on the corner of 5500 South and 5900 W.  It was painted on the wrong side of the intersection.  Hooper City is now trying to mediate with UDOT.  Could possibly paint another crosswalk on the appropriate side. 


School Business: Given by Mrs. Breeding.  Professional Learning Communities is a way schools can foster a culture of collaboration within grades.  Hooper Elementary had already begun the process of becoming a PLC during the 2018-2019 school year.  Mrs. Breeding and six teachers attended the PLC Conference in Salt Lake City.  Mrs. Breeding showed a powerful video clip that demonstrated the effects of students who drop out of school.  This leads to an increase in poverty, prison time and death.  The PLC initiative is a way to combat this trend and to be a resource for teachers to help students succeed individually.  Mrs. Breeding presented Hooper Elementary RISE testing data and ways to help students grow.

The following links show the goals of the Weber School District for ELA and Math.

The PLC Conference helped to identify ways to obtain the goals previously outlined in the Hooper Elementary Mission Statement.  It states - With Collaboration of our entire faculty and staff, our professional learning community will empower ALL students to learn at high levels in a safe, supportive, and caring environment.  Four essential questions will drive the work of a PLC:

  1. What is it we want our students to know and be able to do? Identify Essential Learning Targets
  2. How will we know if each student has learned it? Common Formative Assessments
  3. How will we respond when some students do not learn it? Learning Interventions
  4. How will we extend the learning for students who have demonstrated proficiency? Learning Extensions

This will be the Hooper Way as the school transition to a PLC:

  1. Teachers will work collaboratively rather than in isolation and take collective responsibility for student learning. 
  2. Teachers will work interdependently to achieve common goals for which all members are mutually accountable.  
  3. Each team will establish a guaranteed and viable curriculum, unit by unit, so all students have access to the same knowledge and skills regardless of the teacher to whom they are assigned.  
  4. Each team will develop common formative assessments to frequently gather evidence of student learning.
  5. As a school we will create a system of interventions and extensions to ensure students who struggle receive additional time and support for learning in a way that is timely, directive, diagnostic, and systematic, and students who demonstrate proficiency can extend their learning.
  6. The team will use evidence of student learning to inform and improve their individual and collective practice of its members.

Mrs. Cragun’s experience with the PLC Conference was very positive.  The main idea she received from the conference was that kids need to be involved in their learning and that instructions and teaching should be very clear so that students know what they are being asked to learn.  She also liked the idea of goal cards that represented 2-3 specific skills to be learned with a punch system to track progress.  Once the goal was met, the cards offered ideas for extension learning.  Mrs. Breeding would like to send more teachers to this 3-day conference.  It is $800 per teacher. 

  • The school will be holding a STEM night on February 20th at 6pm. There will be different rotations that will include Project Lead the Way (hands-on science teaching), Robotics, Math/Science Olympiad and other fun activities.  Mrs. Breeding would like this to be a fun family night.  Natalie Dalpias has offered to chair a STEM committee from the PTA to work with Mrs. Breeding. 
  • Next Fall Hooper Elementary will be moving to a 1 to 1 school. Each student will be issued a Chromebook to stay at the school. Teachers will be attending a training in January and Mrs. Breeding will hold a Parent Meeting on March 26th at 6pm.  Lynn Raymond and other District techs. will be on hand to answer questions.  This move is not to replace teachers, but to facilitate individual learning.  The District follows strict safety policies to ensure all students will be protected and that naked cats will not cause a hullabaloo!   
  • New desks and chairs should be arriving during Christmas Break. Mrs. Breeding will be asking for parent help to move and put equipment together. More desks will be offered to the community during this time.  So thankful to the District to help fund this process.  More information to come. 

Future Schedule:  Given by Mrs. Breeding.  Schedule of meetings is as follows:

Thursday, December 12, 2019 @ 1:30pm in the conference room   

Thursday, January 16, 2020 @ 1:30pm in the conference room

Thursday, March 5, 2020 @ 1:30pm in the conference room

Next Meeting:  Thursday, December 12th at 1:30pm in the conference room.