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January 2020 Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 16, 2020 1:30 p.m. 

Hooper Elementary Conference Room


In attendance: 

Kari Breeding, Ashley Droscher, Cindy Pendleton, Kadee Frew, Heather Cragun, Shanae Headley, Cyndi Bennett, Cassie Bown.


Welcome:  Given by Ashley Droscher.  Thank you to everyone for attending.  


Minute Approval: Given by Shanae Headley.  Meeting minutes from the December 12th meeting were read and posted to the Hooper Elementary Website.  No corrections were made. The minutes will be approved as written.  

Heather Cragun made a motion to accept the minutes from the December 12, 2019 meeting, Cyndi Bennett seconded the motion. All others were in favor. 


Budget Report: Given by Mrs. Breeding. 

  • Trust Land funds beginning balance is $76,942.95.  Spent $25,875.01. The remaining balance is $51,068.94.     
  • TSSA beginning balance was $68,991.73.  Spent $34,932.75. The remaining balance is $34,058.98.  All money has been earmarked.  
  • There should be a little rollover for next year, but funds should be spent on current year students.  
  • It is anticipated that we will receive about the same amount next year.  As Hooper Elementary continues to grow, funding will as well.


School Improvement Plan:  Given by Mrs. Breeding.  The BARK for Schools program was presented.  Weber School District will be implementing this other level of protection and filtering for WSD students in February.  BARK monitors Gmail accounts and will alert parents and administration to digital dangers. Gmail accounts include Gmail, Gmail chat (Hangouts), G drive, and Google docs.  BARK will use advanced sophistication through AI to see if kids are at risk. Principals and parents will get an email if there is an issue and parent notifications are active after hours.  A weekly update email will be sent to parents as well, if parents enroll.


This is a free service to WSD, but parents can purchase additional monitoring for social and personal apps.  It will be an extra $9 a month. The email informing parents of the BARK program goes out on 4 February and BARK goes live 18 February.  This is another added protection. Kids will know that they are being monitored and the level of responsibility will increase.  


Mrs. Breeding presented the Trustland and TSSA Goals of the 2019-2020 school year (see below).  The goals for the 2020-2021 school year should be lofty yet attainable. She talked about getting a 3 or 4% growth in ELA proficiency and a score of 60% in overall school growth.  There is a program in place to create intervention groups and a more individualized approach. Teachers are helping each other, and Mrs. Breeding has set aside money to pay for subs so that teachers can have time to observe each other.  


2019-2020 Goals


#1.  By the end of the 2019-2020 school year we will see 60% typical or above typical student growth on DIBELS in grades K-3.

#2.  At the end of the 2019-2020 school year, students in grades 4-6 will attain an overall 4% growth in proficiency of grade level language arts and math essential learning targets. Our data measures will include grade level common assessments, Student Learning Objectives, and end of level testing results (RISE).

#3.  Every child will experience at least one Project Lead the Way module in the 2019-2020 school year. Through PLTW Launch, students will develop problem solving skills. They will apply STEM knowledge and higher-level thinking skills. They will develop a growth mindset. They will learn by making mistakes and taking risks. Learning and discovering will become more engaging. The Chromebooks provided through trustland funds will be required for the STEM topics.



#1.  By the end of the 2019-2020 school year Hooper Elementary will attain 60% typical or above typical student growth on DIBELS in grades K-3.

#2.  At the end of the 2019-2020 school year, students in grades 4-6 will attain an overall 4% growth in proficiency of grade level language arts and math essential learning targets. Our data measures will include grade level common assessments, Student Learning Objectives, and end of level testing results (RISE).

#3.  Hooper Elementary will support Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) by implementing a robotics club, launching Project Lead the Way (PLTW), and by continually supporting the arts through the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program. 


Mrs. Breeding presented the following numbers and budget example:



Estimated Expenditures



Goal #1


Aide Time


PLC Conference


Technology-One to One-chromebooks


support materials


Sub pay (conference and Teacher Development)



Goal #2


PLC Conference


Technology-One to One-Chromebooks


Support Materials



Goal #3


Art Specialist Salary 


Art Supplies






Trust LAND 

Estimated Expenditures



Goal #1


Aide Time- Salaries and Benefits


Support Materials


Technology- Itouch Screens



Goal #2


Aide Time- Salaries and Benefits


Support Materials


Technology- Itouch Screens



Goal #3


STEM Salaries


Technology Related Hardware (Robotics)


Technology Related Hardware (PLTW)






Estimated Total


Aide Time-Salaries and Employee Benefits


Support Materials


Technology (I touch Screens)


One to One 


Teacher PD


PLTW and Robotics


Art Salary/Supplies






During the summer Mrs. Breeding is going to approach companies to donate towards the school.  Cassie Brown asked about the possibility of using the PTA funds that will be raised at the Urban Air Event later in January to help off-set the cost of smartboards.  Mrs. Breeding explained that she will write a grant outlining cost and what equipment is needed to present to the PTA but understands that those funds are PTA controlled and will be awarded by vote from the membership.  Mrs. Breeding will write up the plan for the next school year and the Council will discuss it and vote in the next meeting.  

School Business: Given by Mrs. Breeding.  

  • All doors are set up with keycards, except two.  Teachers and aides are very pleased with this system.  
  • March 19th there will be a Reunification Drill practice, which demonstrates the parent pick-up procedure during an emergency.  Letters will be sent home at the end of February. 
  • The chocolate fundraiser did very well.  About $10,000 was earned. It cost $7,000 to keycard the doors.  The balance was going to be used for smartboards, but now Mrs. Breeding is getting bids for the other two doors that still need keycards.  


Future Schedule:  Given by Mrs. Breeding.  Schedule of meetings is as follows:

Thursday, March 5, 2020 @ 1:30pm in the conference room

Next Meeting:  Thursday, March 5th at 1:30pm in the conference room.