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March 2022 Meeting Minutes

Hooper Elementary Community Council meeting minutes 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022  

Hooper Elementary Conference Room

In attendance: 

Kari Breeding, Stacy Wilcox, Ashley Droscher, Cindy Pendleton, Shanae Headley, Cyndi Bennett, Cassie Brown, Jennifer Flint

Welcome:  Given by Ashley Droscher

Minutes Approval: Given by Shanae Headley.  Minutes were posted on the Hooper Elementary Website 24 February 2022.   Minutes were read and approved as submitted.  

Budget Report: Given by Mrs. Breeding.

2021-22 TSSA Beginning Balance - $98,438.91   Current Balance- $40,264.49

2021-22 Trust Land Beginning Balance - $94,522.00    Current Balance- $50,385.15

Around half Trust Land funds were spent on Aide time. Newline Boards have been purchased with these funds.  A few more Newline Boards will be purchased.  A 10% carryover is expected.  TSSA funds were used for 1 to 1 technology, with $28,000 still pending and 2 Aides’ time throughout the summer.  

School Improvement Plan: Given by Mrs. Breeding. Presented the 2022 – 2023 School Trust LAND and TSSA goals.

Trust LAND Goals

Goal #1 - By the end of the 2022-2023 school year K-3 students will reach an overall 60% typical or above typical composite growth score on the ACADIENCE reading assessment.

Goal #2 - By the end of the 2022-23 school year, students in grades 4-6 will attain an overall median growth percentile score within at least the 50th percentile range of the math portion of the RISE assessment.  Hooper Elementary students in grades 3-6 will also achieve an average RISE proficiency math score that is 5% higher than the Weber School District average math score for the 2022-23 school year.

Goal #3 - Hooper Elementary will support Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) by supporting our Robotics Club and Project Lead the Way Program.  One hundred percent of students will experience at least one Project Lead the Way module during the 2022-23 school year.  We will maintain our current robotics kits, purchase more kits as needed, and sponsor at least five teams to participate in our after-school program and competitions.  

TSSA Goals

Goal #1 - By the end of the 2022-2023 school year K-3 students will reach an overall 60% typical or above typical composite growth score on the ACADIENCE reading assessment.

Goal #2 - By the end of the 2022-23 school year, students in grades 4-6 will attain an overall median growth percentile score within at least the 50th percentile range of the math portion of the RISE assessment.  Hooper Elementary students in grades 3-6 will also achieve an average RISE proficiency math score that is 5% higher than the Weber School District average math score for the 2022-23 school year.

Goal #3 - Hooper Elementary will support art education by supporting a partnership with the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) in order to provide exceptional arts instruction that is integrated into classroom core curriculum.

Mrs. Breeding also presented the breakdown of how funds would be spent.  

Cassie Brown motioned that the Trust Land goals and budget for the 2022-2023 school year be accepted.  Cindy Pendleton seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 

School Business: Given by Mrs. Breeding.  

  • Due to the amazing generosity of a family in the community and receiving the district grant, the Twisted Sugar fundraiser this Spring is unnecessary!  The electronic marquee should be in place by August!
  • No Covid cases! 
  • ESSR funds will be given again this year!  This funding is given by the Federal Government to address learning gaps that occurred during the Covid shutdown.  These funds will be allocated to secure funding for the remaining half needed to ensure that 1st grade will maintain four teachers, rather than utilize a 1st/2nd grade split that could be funded with district funding.  This will keep 1st grade classes with 20-21 students.   
  • STEAM and Literacy Night is scheduled for April 28th. Charlotte’s Web will be the theme.  Fremont FFA will bring a pig and other animals.  Each grade will oversee a STEM and an art activity.  The PTA has offered to do popcorn and cotton candy.  It will have a Fair like atmosphere.        

Future Schedule: Given by Ashley Droscher.

Last Meeting for the 2021-2022 school year.

Next Meeting:  Fall 2022