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March 2024 Meeting Minutes

Community Council Mar 6, 2024


2024-25 Trustland and TSSA Plans Review- Mrs. Breeding


Goal #1 (Reading K-3)- reach 70% comp growth score

Action Plan

  1. Aide time- $31,275
  2. PLC conf- $3,000
  3. Lightbox learning platform- $1,300
  4. Sub pay for observations, $1,000

Goal #2 (Math- upper grades)- score in 50th percentile on RISE, 10% higher than Weber district

Action Plan

  1. Aide time
  2. PLC conf
  3. Sub pay

Goal #3 STEM goal- Robotics and project lead the way

Action plan

  1. Robtics- $3000
  2. Lead the way- $1000
  3. Robotics materials- $1000
  4. Lead the way fee- $950
  5. STEAM literacy night $500

TSSA GOALS (Goals are the same as above)

Action plan

  1. Aids- $19700
  2. Chromebooks 11,000
  3. Instructional supplies- $3000
  4. Typing club- $1400
  5. Panorama $600
  6. Fun Friday $500

Goal 2

Action plan

  1. Aids 19700
  2. Chromebooks 11000
  3. Online Math 12000
  4. Mental Health 5000
  5. Student supplies 3000
  6. Fun friday 500

Goal 3- Art

  1. Salary $4600
  2. Stipend for STEAM night teachers- $3000
  3. Art supplies $2500
  4. Stipend choir $1700