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October 2019 PTA Meeting Minutes

Hooper Elementary PTA Board meeting minutes

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 10:00 a.m.

Hooper Elementary extra 6th grade classroom


Members in attendance:

Executive Board: Stacy Adams, Kari Breeding, Cindy Pendleton, Mrs. Cummings, Shanae Headley, Cyndi Bennett

Board Members: Becca Buck, Jenny Hirst, Trevor Hirst, Kelli Brown, Natalie Dalpias, Kim Christensen, Lacy Andreasen, Kelsie Orrock, Devri Mickelson, Amanda Prince, Krishel Karras, Natalie Trostle, Kristin Peterson, Cassie Brown, Kaycee McFarland, Tara Manning, Celeste Hatch, Jessica Smith, Holly Draper.

Members Excused: Brandi Browning

Old business and approval of last meeting’s minutes:  Given by Shanae Headley.   Minutes from the 3 September 19 meeting were posted on the Hooper PTA Facebook page on 3 September 19.  No changes were made.  The minutes of the 3 September board meeting were accepted as correct. 

Treasurer’s Report: Given by Shanae Headley

  • Balance in checking account as of 30 September 2019 is $10801.14.
  • Income: Fun Run Donations $3059, Back to School Night $35.83, Tshirts and Memberships $650
  • Expenditures: Community Involvement $104.88, General and Administrative $223.99, Education $3500 and Membership $254.50.
  • Shanae Headley presented information on income that has been generated since 2015 in order to give a view of past fundraising initiatives in relation to earnings and success.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

FunRun:  Given by Stacy Adams.  Thank you so much to Cindy Pendleton for creating a fun obstacle course – the kids loved it!  Thank you so much to our Mighty Mustang – Celeste Hatch!  Clocking ten miles ran while doing cartwheels and jumps is highly impressive!  October 2nd is the last day to turn in donations. 

  • $16,645 has been earned as of September 30th. At this point due to the generosity of donors 78.34% of donors paid the online fee.  This allows the PTA to keep 85% of what was earned!  This equates to $15,237.25!  We reached our FunRun goal of $15,000! 

Currently we have:

  • 397 Registered Students (received a keychain)
  • 305 Donations (received a Chick-Fil-A coupon)
  • 188 $35 donations (will receive extra recess with the Principal)
  • 62 $75 donations (will receive a pizza party with the Principal)
  • 24 $150 donations (will receive breakfast with the Principal)
  • 8 Superstar students who earned $250 (will get to play Pie in the Face game with the Principal)
  • Gunner Baker (1st grade) earned the top prize of the Lagoon Swag bag
  • Trinity Moss (1st grade) earned 2nd place and with receive an Urban Air prize pack
  • Kooper Groesbeck (4th grade) earned 3rd place and will receive the drone.
  • Top 3 classes with the highest registration will receive a silly string party with their Teacher are Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Wilcox.
  • 14 classrooms earned 100% of their class goal and will receive a popcorn party with their teacher.
  • Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. Brown are within range of each other to earn the Top Classroom with the most total donations and will receive a pajama party, movie and treats.
  • BEST OF ALL – we hit our goal and Mrs. Breeding will be kissing a pig at the awards assembly on October 11th! All other prizes will be distributed at that time.  


Reflections: Given by Stacy Adams.  Entries are due Friday, October 4th.  Entry forms are available at the front office.

Membership Drive:  Given by Jenny Hirst.  Currently have 162 members.    

  • Mrs. Brown’s class won the most members and received a pinata party.
  • We have 13 male members and Jenny would like to see that increase. She will be having another drive after the new year to try and increase Dad membership and support.
  • The $6 membership fee is by no means an avenue for fundraising. It is more of a commitment to support the PTA.  $.75 is sent to our local Council as a means of supporting that board in training, Reflection awards and scholarship awards.  $4 is sent to the State and National PTA to support lobbying for legislation to benefit kids and schools and training and materials (ie. Handbooks). 

Box Top Store: Given by Stacy Adams.  The final store will be held October 2nd – 4th.  As Box Tops are now moving digital the need for clipping and sorting will go.  Ensure that the box tops are clipped properly and please do not send expired box tops.  In order to help Hooper Elementary to continue to receive Box Top funds, please download the Box Tops for Education App and scan receipts.


Classic Skate Night: Given by Stacy Adams.  Scheduled for October 9th 5:30-8:30 pm.  Flyers will be going home within the next week. 


Principal’s Report:  Given by Kari Breeding. 

  • Thank you for an amazing FunRun! She has received nothing but positive comments.
  • Winning the Urban Air Contest was a pleasant surprise! Thank you to everyone who helped make it happen!  If anyone is interested in helping to sponsor kids that financially may not be able to attend, please contact Mrs. Breeding. 
  • November 14th is the start of the Office Fundraiser of selling chocolates. This money will be used for school safety and to add a key card system to the exterior doors. This system is about $7000.  Any remaining funds from the fundraiser will go to getting new desks. Families are welcome to donate money without selling the chocolates. 
  • It will probably be another year before secure, buzz in doors can be installed in the two hallways near the office.
  • Mrs. Breeding is working with the District purchaser and Superintendent to help obtain the $15,000 it would take to outfit the school with new desks and chairs as well as specialized tables for the Special Education department. The District recommends recycling the desks to earn some money for the metal. 
  • The outside doors will remain locked except the 2nd grade and 4th grade doors. This is to ensure safety as well as to allow for the day to begin at the same time for all students.  During rainy or snowy days, the Peer Leaders will help usher students into the gym. 
  • Mrs. Hatch is the new 4th grade teacher. The transition has been smooth and parental willingness has been excellent. 
  • Next Fall Hooper Elementary will be moving to a 1 to 1 school. Each student will be issued a Chromebook to stay at the school. Teachers will be attending a training in January and Mrs. Breeding will hold a Parent Meeting in the new year.  This move is not to replace teachers, but to facilitate individual learning.  The District follows strict safety policies to ensure all students will be protected.   

Teacher Rep Report:  Given by Mrs. Cummings.  The teachers will be able to spend more instruction time rather than prep time as the school will move to 1 to 1.  The District safety controls block a lot of websites as well as ads.    

Parent/Teacher Conference:  Given by Stacy Adams.  The staff meal is scheduled for October 14th


Book Fair:  Given by Trevor Hirst.  The book fair is scheduled for October 14th – 16th.  Please go to to sign up for shifts during the fair.  Scholastic has implemented a new eWallet system, where parents can load money to a child’s account. When the child shops at the fair, the cashier can look up the child by name and then the purchases can be made.  Also due to new Utah Legislation, sales tax will now be charged at all book fairs.  Mrs. Tew will be adding to the school library with Scholastic bucks that were earned through previous book fairs.  Look for Clifford the Big Red Dog to be in the library on Tuesday! 


Red Ribbon Week:  Given by Kelli Brown.  The theme is Send a Message and Stay Drug-Free for the week of October 21st – October 24th.

  • Students will have the opportunity to write positive messages on a paper text bubble. Teachers will then add their classroom messages to a poster that will be hung near the cafeteria.
  • Each day will be given a theme and students will be given the chance to wear different things.
  • Peer Pals will be making posters to hang throughout the school.
  • Pencils and stickers will be given out to each student.

Other Business:  Given by Stacy Adams.  Wining the Urban Air contest was a pleasant surprise!  We are still trying to coordinate with Urban Air on dates for the event as well as the actual price of admission and any possible discounts.  It was decided that it would be best for the school community to hold the event during January.  More information will be coming.

Calendar of Events:

                Oct. 2-4 – Box Tops Store

                Oct. 4 – Reflections Due

                Oct. 9 – Classic Skate Night

                Oct. 14-16 – Parent/Teacher Conf./Faculty Dinner

                Oct. 14-16 – Book Fair

                Oct. 17-18 – Fall Break

                Oct. 21-24 – Red Ribbon Week

                Oct. 25 - Professional Development (no school)

                Oct. 31 – Halloween Parade


Next Meeting:  Tuesday November 5th at 10am in the extra 6th grade classroom. 


Minutes Accepted:  ______________________(date)      Secretary__________________________________

Sign the minutes with title when they have been copied and put in the permanent binder

_____________________________________                                     ________________________________

(name)                                                                                                                 (title)