January 2024 Meeting Minutes
Community Council Minutes 17 Jan 2024
Minutes approved, Mrs. Breeding,
Budget- 93,200 at last meeting, 71,100 today, goal to roll over 10% to make up for funding loss from new school opening. TSSA has 91,300
School Business- STEAM/literacy night. April 30- Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe theme
-Staffing- loosing 112 students to new elementary school. Will lose 4 teachers.
- Request letters will be later and for a shorter window. Be watching for that message.
-Acadience data looking good, fluid, targeted interventions are working (will go over data next month
Internet safety presentation: Monica Widdison
- District gets federal funding for filtering/monitoring and teaching
- Variety of monitoring strategies at work, depending on the program
- 40,000 chromebooks in the district, rotated every 3 years
- BLOCKSI- every teacher will have access to monitor classtime chromebook use
- Bark monitors Google space
- District working on Digital Citizenship curriculum- spiral learning all year long.