Elementary Practices and Procedures


❖ Contact the office if your student will be absent or late for any reason.  

Your child’s progress, both academic and social, is influenced to a great extent by participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is a key to promoting a positive learning experience and habits of lifelong learning. 

The learning environment is often interrupted by students who are tardy or checked out early. Please do everything possible to reduce these interruptions. Late students must check-in with the office.

In order to guarantee the safety of your child, students may only be checked-out through the following procedures: 

1. Students will only be released from class to office personnel. 

2. Students will only be released to those listed on the student’s emergency contacts.  

Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades/Skate Shoes, etc.:

Students riding a bicycle to school are to walk their bikes while on school property to ensure the safety of all children. For safety reasons, skateboards, rollerblades/skate shoes, etc. must be carried while on school property. The school assumes no responsibility for bicycles, scooters, skateboards, or any other transportation device. 


 1. Weber School District has the responsibility to transport bus students to and from school to their assigned bus stops. 

2. Students who are not on the regular passenger list are not permitted to ride the bus. 

3. Students are under the direction of the bus driver while riding on the bus. 

4. All passengers are expected to be courteous to the driver and their fellow students. 

5. Students are to remain seated while the bus is in motion, and obey all other bus rules and instructions from the driver. 

6. Students who refuse to obey the bus driver and display common courtesy may forfeit their privilege of riding the bus.

Cancellation of School: 

School is canceled only under such extraordinary circumstances as extreme weather, equipment failure, or public crisis, which may cause a significant safety risk to students. Notifications will be sent out through the WSD notification system, so please make sure your contact information is up to date. Information may also be posted on district and school websites, as well as social media pages. Teachers and/or principals may also send out messages from their schools. Notifications will be sent out as soon as reasonably possible in order to give parents and students advanced notice of any changes


Students and parents will be responsible for district-owned technology property issued to them. The cost of required replacement parts due to physical damage to a Chromebook is the responsibility of students and parents. The district provides a warranty for the life of the Chromebook. The cost of any repair due to the failure of the device, no matter the age of the Chromebook, will be covered by the district.  Labor for device repair is always covered by the district.

Digital Media Devices:

Definition of Digital Media Devices: DMD’s include but are not limited to cell phones, computers, video games, and other electronic or battery powered instruments/toys. 

Use of Digital Media Devices: Student use of  any unauthorized media device used during the school day is prohibited. Because of the disruption of the educational process and/or the risk that these devices may be broken, lost, or stolen, students are discouraged from bringing them to school. If an extenuating circumstance requires that the device be brought to school it must be turned off and stored in backpacks or other areas designated by the teacher. They should not be seen or heard. 

Consequences for Violation of Policy: Violation of this policy shall result in the confiscation of the digital media device. 

First Offense: DMD is taken from the student and is kept by the teacher until the end of the school day at which time the student may retrieve the device. 

Second Offense: DMD is taken from the student and is kept in the office, the parent is contacted, and the parent may retrieve the DMD from the office. 

Third Offense: The DMD is not allowed at school for the remainder of the school year. Insubordination will result in disciplinary action which may include suspension from school. 

*Students bring digital media devices on school property or to school activities at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged electronic equipment. *The office phone is available for students to contact parents in case of a school issue or emergency. Parents need to call the school to get messages to their child.  

Note: Misuse of digital media devices is additionally addressed in Policy 8350 Digital Media Devices and Policy 5200 Student Discipline Policy (Including Safe School Policy). 


Weber School District has partnered with local law enforcement in adopting a safety program that will be utilized if an emergency occurs during school hours. It is called Standard Response Protocol (SRP), and includes the following actions: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. Parents should become familiar with each action.

Home-prepared Food

As per directive from the Weber-Morgan Health Department, home canned and prepared foods are not to be distributed at school for any reason. Classroom treats for birthdays or special occasions must be purchased from a commercial retailer.

Illness or Injury: 

Sick or injured students will be cared for temporarily by the school nurse or a member of the school staff. School personnel will render first aid treatment only. If emergency medical treatment is necessary, the school will: contact a parent/guardian, call 911, contact designated emergency persons. Parents, be sure all emergency information is up to date at all times. 

Leaving School Grounds: 

Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during school hours for any reason without being checked out by a parent/guardian or an approved contact. Parents must come into the school office to sign their student(s) out. Office staff will then call the student(s) out of class to meet parents in the office. 


No pets are allowed on the school campus (building or grounds) with the exception of “service animals'' for those with disabilities. Exceptions could be made by the administrator on a case by case basis. 


Parents are welcome and are encouraged to visit the school as a guest or volunteer. For safety reasons, all school visitors/volunteers must enter through the front doors, check in at the office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass.