Dress Code
Parents and students have the primary responsibility for student dress. We appreciate and encourage all students to dress appropriately and to come to school ready to learn. Standards of appearance at Hooper Elementary require that a student’s appearance not be disruptive or detrimental to the educational process (this can include hair style or color). Items of apparel and grooming that may violate this dress standard are those that advertise or promote alcohol or tobacco products, illegal substances, inappropriate sexual content, gang insignia, or any other disruptive or unsafe apparel. Some personal grooming and items of clothing appropriate for other settings may be considered inappropriate or disruptive for school. Shirts or blouses must have sleeves that cover the ball of the shoulder and with sufficient fabric length to cover the student’s midsection. Shorts or skirts must be at least mid-thigh in length. Hats in the school are not allowed. By state law the wearing of shoes is required. We strongly suggest closed-toed shoes be worn to prevent injuries. The school may make exceptions to the dress standard for special occasions. We would appreciate if parents who spend time at our school would follow the above dress code as well.